Category Archives: Uncategorized

More reactions to Schools Without Rules article

Last weekend the Orlando Sentinel ran an article that’s part of their Schools Without Rules series that investigates private schools that accept public money via various scholarships (aka vouchers): Private schools’ curriculum downplays slavery, says humans and dinosaurs lived together. In … Continue reading

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Martin County textbook complaints: “scientific sounding language” fails to impress

A hearing was held on May 9 after several Martin County residents complained about the “one-sided” nature of science textbooks the school board was in the process of adopting. I gave a very detailed account of what happened at the … Continue reading

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Reactions to Schools Without Rules article

The Orlando Sentinel published an article a few days ago highlighting the atrocious curriculum some voucher-accepting private schools use: Private schools’ curriculum downplays slavery, says humans and dinosaurs lived together. Now we’re starting to see reactions to the story. First there … Continue reading

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Blatant creationism in “Schools Without Rules”

The Orlando Sentinel has been running an excellent investigative series called “Schools Without Rules” about private schools that accept public money in the form of various types of scholarships (otherwise known as vouchers). The articles have been documenting “problems in … Continue reading

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Martin County textbook hearing: Evolution “is not proven science”

We should stop teaching evolution as established fact and instead supplement its teaching with all the gaps and uncertainties that so many of the world’s scientists admit that it is riddled with. That’s the main argument proposed by a few … Continue reading

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Press Release: Balancing Evolution & Creationism in Schools Unconstitutional

Florida Citizens for Science News Release (May 13, 2018) ——————————————— BALANCING EVOLUTION AND CREATIONISM IN SCHOOLS UNCONSTITUTIONAL Attempts to alter science textbooks in Collier, Martin and Nassau Counties are a waste of school boards’ time, money and could lead to … Continue reading

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Textbooks are still a hot topic

Somehow we here in Florida made it through the past few months without being too embarrassed by the anti-science nuts in our state government. A handful of worrying bills that would have impacted science education died at the end of … Continue reading

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Constitution Revision Commission Update III

Public hearings were held across the state by the Florida Constitution Revision Commission during which hundreds of concerned citizens voiced their opinions about the changes that should or should not be made to the Florida constitution. We’ve been watching this … Continue reading

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