The Florida Academy of Sciences is hosting its 74th Annual Meeting March 19-20 at Indian River State College, Fort Pierce. As part of that meeting, Florida Citizens for Science is proud to announce we are conducting a seminar:
“Attacks on Science, Science Education and Evolution” is co-sponsored by the Florida Academy of Sciences and Florida Citizens for Science, and will take place on Saturday, 20 March, 1:00-3:00 p.m., in the Health Sciences Center (room number to be announced). It will have four parts:
1) Evolution and the teaching of evolution. Speaker Dave Campbell (High School biology teacher, member of the new science standards writing committee, featured in a New York Times article on teaching evolution)
2) Myths about evolution. Speaker Debra Walker (anthropologist and member of Monroe County School Board)
3) The anti-science of antievolution. Speaker Wesley R. Elsberry (Biologist, involved in the evolution/creationist controversy since 1986, and worked with Genie Scott at NCSE from 2003 to 2007)
4) Brainstorm on how to raise the public’s understanding of science and its importance.
The seminar is free and open to the public. We invite you to stop by, say hello, and join in the conversation.