$3,000 wasted

I’m happy to say that students at the University of Florida aren’t fools. At least not the ones who listened to Oktar Babuna spout off a lot of nonsense against evolution earlier this week. The university newspaper reports that he was paid $3,000 to speak, but it appeared to be money wasted. After claiming that the human eye could never have evolved (you sure about that?) and plopping down his simple-minded “fish could never have transferred to land” idiocy (and are you sure about that?), he laid the big smackdown on evolution:

In conclusion, Babuna said, evolution is not a theory but an ideology that is aimed at convincing people to be atheists.

“Apes are apes, and humans are humans,” he said. “There is nothing in between.”

But he did not discuss any scientific evidence supporting creationism.

Students who knew better weren’t buying the manure he was selling. Heck, even his sponsor tried to get some distance.

Vice President of Islam on Campus Yaser Ali said his organization brought Babuna to encourage debate and provide a different perspective on the issue.

“These views aren’t necessarily the views of Islam on Campus,” he said.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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