Poking Yecke

An Orlando Sentinel newspaper columnist pokes Cheri Yecke a little concerning the open education commissioner job:

Keep an eye on . . . Cheri Yecke. The state’s education-commissioner job is vacant. And, as the state’s K-12 chancellor, Yecke might seem like a likely applicant. But that would be a mistake. Jeb Bush, after all, brought in a lightning rod when he hired Yecke in 2005. Before that, she had a similar job in Minnesota — and was involved in one controversy after another. There were debates over evolution, creationism, revisionist history and more. In fact, the Minnesota Legislature ultimately tossed her out of her job there before Jeb scooped her up. Yecke actually hasn’t done much pot-stirring since she came to Florida. But Charlie Crist has taken too many moderate strides and made too many promises about education reform to start taking chances here.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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