Public Understanding

I am happy to announce that Florida Citizens for Science has joined the Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science, otherwise known as COPUS. COPUS has assembled quite a network of organizations and individuals across the nation who are excited about science and want to spread the word to the general public. A major project the COPUS network has taken on is “Year of Science 2009,” which is a year-long celebration of science, so to speak. We’ve already started coordinating with some of the other Florida organizations.

If you are interested in being a part of these exciting efforts, you can sign up with us here at FCS, or sign your organization up with COPUS. Either way, I am looking to working with you!

Other Florida organizations in COPUS:

Florida Academy of Sciences

Florida Museum of Natural History

Pinellas County Environmental Lands Division

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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