Bay County considers anti-evolution resolution

Guess where Bay County is at in Florida. In the north, you say? How did you ever guess?

Why am I writing a post about Bay County? Because the school board is considering an anti-evolution resolution, you say? How did you guess that? Go to the school district’s agenda page and click on the one for next Wednesday. Scroll on down to the action items.

School Board of Bay County FL Resolution for Sunshine State Standards for Science

The board meeting is Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. I’m having trouble determining from the website where the meeting is held. The agenda just says the meeting is in the board room. I assume the address is: Nelson Admin. Building, 1311 Balboa Avenue, Panama CIty, FL 32401, 872-4100. Contact the school board here.

It would be nice if there can be another victory like in Highlands County. But that all depends on who shows up at the meeting and what those attendees have to say.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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6 Responses to Bay County considers anti-evolution resolution

  1. Lane Taylor says:

    Wow, good luck out there in FL. Odd that here in KS, when our state school board adopted teh bad science standards, there was at least one (and I think a few others) school district that told the State Board of Education to take a flying leap and they were going to teach good science anyway.


  2. Scifan says:

    Florida citizens who are sick of this religiously motivated censorship of science should contact the school board members to voice your concerns. Here are their emails:,,,,,

    Further contact info can be found at:

    When writing to them, please be polite, but firm enough to get the point across. Maybe a reference to the outcome of the Dover v. Kitzmiller lawsuit may help change some minds because you gotta know that in the end, these people are politicians who are looking out for their own careers and interests in addition to “thinking of the children.” I realize that it’s been mentioned before that these resolutions are largely un-binding, but even a symbolic gesture might lend enough support for future anti-evolution efforts. Vigilance is key.

  3. Jeremy Mohn says:

    I think someone from Florida Citizens for Science should definitely attend and accept the they are giving to evolution.

  4. Jeremy Mohn says:

    Oops. Try that again.

    …attend and accept the gold medal they are giving to evolution.

  5. Nick D says:

    Jon McFatter of the Bay County School Board wrote to me saying:
    “I am saddened that anyone would hold the belief that evolution is a fact and call themselves a Christian.”

    please e-mail him at

  6. Scifan says:

    Ask him if he thinks that his school district should cater solely to the needs of his Christian constituents, or by that, any other demographic defined solely by religion.

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