I had no idea we were so evil

Take a look at this Viewpoint article in the Panama City News Herald.

The American Civil Liberties Union, environmentalists and other groups have controlled our schools for decades and they have determined what is taught. In some cases, they have allowed errors in science books concerning evolution.

In fact, the ACLU and the evolutionists have a goal to completely remove all Christian influence in all our institutions. They are now succeeding.

Almost all of our founders were dedicated Christians, despite what the evolutionists and the ACLU would like for you to believe.

The theory of evolution is a good example of what happens when people are taught what to think. As evolutionists control education, they determine what is taught. They do not allow anything that questions evolution or that comes from a Christian perspective. They teach that evolution is a settled science that has disproved the Bible, despite overwhelming evidence against evolution. Dissenters are reluctant to speak up for fear of personal attacks or job loss.

Uncritical thinking and a lack of facts have led to the belief that evolution is unquestionable. Science and the Constitution ban God from our institutions.

Ummmm, evolution as a whole is considered settled science. However, evolution doesn’t say a thing about any religion’s validity. Science does not ban religion from anywhere; it simply doesn’t have that authority, so to speak. Many religions are fine and dandy with evolution. Evolution can certainly be questioned. The person who can present the evidence that shifts the scientific community from evolution to some other viable scientific theory would have a sure lock on the next Nobel Prize. Evidence against evolution? Where is it? All the “evidence against evolution” presented so far are lies and distortions.

This writer has a few insecurities, I think.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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10 Responses to I had no idea we were so evil

  1. PatrickHenry says:

    It’s not an editorial, just a letter to the editor. I don’t know why some newspapers run that stuff, but when they do it’s often hilarious.

    As for “Almost all of our founders were dedicated Christians …,” it’s probably fewer than the letter-writer would like to know, but it doesn’t matter. They wrote an explicitly secular Constitution, And of course, they knew nothing about evolution. Invoking the Founders in this context is meaningless.

  2. Rhonda says:

    I think you should know that evolution is far from settled science.

  3. cope says:

    Welcome, Rhonda and…”HUH?”.

  4. Mike O'Risal says:

    I think you should know, Rhonda, that you’re wrong. Evolution is every bit as much “settled science” as anything is “settled science.” Evolutionary theories work extremely well in actual science, as opposed to the stuff that people make up based on archaic mythologies and ideological arguments.

  5. James F says:

    Thank you, Senator Storms.*

    *Yes, I know it’s “Ronda.”

  6. zygosporangia says:

    Ooooh. Might we have another troll? 🙂

  7. PatrickHenry says:

    Trolls are always frustrating, from an administrative point of view. On one hand, they’re fun, and they make the place lively — kinda like dwarf-tossing. On the other hand, creationists aren’t at all analogous to dwarves. There isn’t any creationist version of Munchkinland. It’s unpleasant to have even limited contact with creationists, and it’s wrong to give them what little publicity and legitimacy they get while posting here.

    What to do, what to do? I get very few of them at my own place. I let them post a bit, but only until their behavior gets ugly, or blatantly trollish. They don’t last long.

  8. Gropius says:

    It’s always interesting to me how some religious groups claim that evolution and their spiritual beliefs cannot go hand in hand.

    It’s also funny to imagine “evil” scientists burying dinosaurs, conjuring birds of the Galapagos…and other proof of evolution.

    Isn’t truth supposed to be a foundation of all major religions? Wake up people! Soooo scary to think that creationism could be taught with my tax dollars.

  9. PatrickHenry says:

    Welcome to the forum. You’re interested in architecture, I assume.

  10. James F says:


    Wellll… we scientists don’t actually do the burying. 😉


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