And yet more science goodies …

Stetson University invites the public to attend a free lecture by one of the world’s most respected scientists, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biologist Dr. E.O. Wilson, at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 9, in the Edmunds Center, 143 E. Pennsylvania Ave. The featured speaker for the university’s James A. Stewart Lecture, Wilson will discuss “Can Nature Be Saved? Science, Religion and Our Future.”

Florida Atlantic University will Celebrate Darwin’s 200th birthday and the 150th anniversary of “On the Origin of Species”  February 9-13, 2009. [edited to add a link to this newspaper article that goes into more detail about the FAU events.]

Monday, February 9th at 4pm. Room SO 250
“Growing Pains: Ontogeny, activity patterns, & the Late Pleistocene fossil record”
Presented by guest lecturer Libby Cowgill, Ph.D

Tuesday, February 10th at 4pm. Room PS 227
Public screening of “Flock of Dodos”, a documentary about the controversy surrounding evolution

Wednesday, February 11th at 7pm. Room PS 109
“Teaching Evolution” an educational seminar led by Deborah Cunningham, Ph.D

Friday, February 13that 7pm. Room GS 119
Panel discussion about the impact Darwinian theory has had on many disciplines.

And you can find a full list of Florida events on our homepage.

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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