Bad man of science

Florida Citizens for Science board member Jonathan Smith makes good use of a guest spot at the St. Petersburg Times education blog The Gradebook.

Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809 and published “On the Origin of Species” some 50 years later. That of course means that 2009 is the bicentennial of Darwin’s birth and the sesquicentennial of the publication of his most famous – or infamous – work. Celebrations are planned world wide, many taking place in America and several in our own state of Florida.

However, just how many members of the general public will attend these events is another matter.

In this country, one that at present leads the world in science and technology, Darwin is still the “Bad Man of Science.” Americans have readily embraced and utilized the theories of Pasteur, Einstein and Marconi. We have even forgiven Galileo for suggesting that, contrary to biblical text, the earth is not the center of the universe. But not so with Darwin.

Good read the whole thing. It’s very well done!

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to Bad man of science

  1. Ivory Girl says:

    Nice job Jonathan,I do hope this conflict will end soon,and we can get on with teaching our students real science without the threat of Creationism hanging above our heads.

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