High school science cafe a success!

I was recently notified about a Florida high school that is really having a good time hosting science cafes. Here’s the note Florida Citizens for Science board member Kathy Savage sent me about it:

Oviedo High School’s Science Honor Society, with the help of the Florida Academy of Sciences, has been running their our own monthly science cafes. So far they have had two café’s, one with Betsy Von Holle (assistant biology professor at UCF) who spoke on invasive  species in Florida, and Libby Cowgill (assistant professor of anthropology) who spoke on the Neanderthal. Both events were well attended and, best of all, really truly received enthusiastically by the students who are looking forward to more. For our next café tomorrow, Feb. 13, we have managed to secure Dr. Jan Garavaglia (from  the television show Dr. G: Medical Examiner). I’m really excited about how these café’s have taken off at our school and am grateful for all the help the Florida Academy of Sciences has given us to get them going.

They don’t have a website right now, but when I get some time I’ll try to make a simple one for them. Unless, of course, one of you kind folks out there want to lend a hand with this …

About Brandon Haught

Communications Director for Florida Citizens for Science.
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One Response to High school science cafe a success!

  1. Chad says:

    They have a slot ready at Café Scientifique Orlando (all Orlando cafes do), but there’s not a lot there published because I figured it’s mostly a closed group and I didn’t want to send people looking for it.

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