BREAKING NEWS: A proposed amendment adding “strengths and weaknesses†of scientific theories back to the science standards has failed on a 7-7 vote. This is a huge victory for sound science, but not the final word. The final vote will be taken on Friday. And board members may now offer additional amendments to the standards, so there is still room for mischief by anti-evolution board members. So Act 1 is over with a victory for science advocates. Stay tuned as Act 2 begins.
Many thanks for the “updates” from Josh Rosenau at the NCSE, who is in Texas supporting good science.
Well, looks like the original “strengths and weaknesses” bullshit got voted down, but the creationists managed to pry open another backdoor to inject their theocratic garbage: “scrutinizing” all sides of scientific theories. Sounds all good and practical on paper, but when you realize its proponents are the same drooling fund-tards from DI who were pushing the original strengths/weaknesses amendment, you’d know exactly what sort of “scrutiny” they had in mind. Most of them are already celebrating their victory…
Shoulda added a clarification on how and why any creationism/ID-derived garbage have absolutely no basis or merit to be used in scrutinizing a scientific theory.