Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s time to get engaged!

Local Elections Matter The Collier County school board narrowly approved new science textbooks for their schools 3-2 over protests from citizens about evolution and climate change. The Martin County school board approved science textbook adoptions by the same one-vote margin … Continue reading

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Be on the lookout for election season questionnaires

Candidate qualifying for elected office is now over and those running for various offices are fully engaged in campaigns for the primary elections. That also means that groups statewide are going to be poking and prodding the candidates to learn … Continue reading

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Martin County’s evolution vote: “And I think if you’re not going to teach both then you shouldn’t teach either.”

At long last I have official word about what happened to the objections filed against science textbooks proposed for adoption in Martin County. Refresh your memory by reading my previous posts about Martin County: Martin County textbook complaints: “scientific sounding … Continue reading

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News Roundup

This is a quick roundup of recent news articles associated with current events Florida Citizens for Science has been involved in. Orlando Sentinel: Director stands up for his Christian voucher schools The director of three private Christian schools that accept … Continue reading

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What I did during my summer break, Collier County edition

I’ll start with the end. Evolution and climate change will remain unmolested in new science textbooks approved by the Collier County school board Monday night. The close 3-2 vote in favor of the textbooks came after a marathon five-hour textbook … Continue reading

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Road trip to Collier County: Speaking up for science education

I’ll be on the road tomorrow morning (Monday) headed to Naples on a mission to help speak up for science education. I hope to see some of you folks there so we can finally meet in person. Why do science … Continue reading

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Florida Science Tests: A move in the right direction but I still have questions

It took four years, but there is finally movement in the right direction for Florida’s public school annual science assessments. It’s not much and it doesn’t prove anything (we’ll need to see positive results for multiple consecutive years before we … Continue reading

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Collier County textbook hearing: 30 complaints about evolution & climate change

Heads up, folks. Collier County’s official textbook hearing will be on Monday, June 18, and the public is invited to attend and be heard. Go to the instructional materials website where the guidelines for the meeting and the long list … Continue reading

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