Category Archives: Uncategorized

Final 2018 legislative update

We were deeply worried when the 2018 Florida legislative session kicked off because several bills had been filed that would have directly and negatively impacted science education. A pair of Controversial Theories bills (otherwise known as Academic Freedom bills) would … Continue reading

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The looming Storms

For those of you who have been along for the ride with us here at Florida Citizens for Science since the early days, you very likely know one of the most polarizing opponents we faced back in 2008: Ronda Storms. … Continue reading

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Discovery Institute: defending quality science education is “un-American”

Florida hasn’t been on the Discovery Institute’s radar lately but an article in Nature got them riled up a bit. The DI’s rant “Shock: Florida Laws Would Give Floridians a Say on Science Education” complains about the Nature piece “Florida … Continue reading

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March is a busy month for science textbook adoptions

Many school districts are having meetings and public hearings and votes throughout March about new science instructional materials. In some districts that have already approved their new list of science materials, there have been some controversy and close votes. In … Continue reading

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The creationists and climate change deniers are winning in Florida

Have you ever read the children’s book “If you Give a Mouse a Cookie”? Asking for one thing leads to asking for another and another and another … Florida creationists and climate change deniers asked for more citizen input into … Continue reading

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Constitution Revision Commission Update II

Florida Citizens for Science board member David Campbell sent in the following update on the work of the Constitution Review Commission: As if Proposition 4  (which deletes the “No Aid” to religious institutions clause) wasn’t enough reason to communicate with … Continue reading

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Constitution Revision Commission Update

The following is a post sent in by Florida Citizens for Science board member David Campbell: The Constitution Revision Commission has finished its committee work and has a slate of final proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution that it must … Continue reading

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Alert: Bad Instructional Materials bill on the move!

A bad Florida Senate bill we’re watching is on the move! SB 1644 is on the education committee agenda for Tuesday, Feb. 6. The committee meets at 9 a.m. Senate Bill 1644 (and Florida’s House Bill 827) would, if enacted, revise … Continue reading

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